There are two main charges covered under the fake ID laws in California.
The IDs that are covered by these laws include passports, driver’s licenses, non-driver license ID cards, social security cards, military IDs, and employee ID cards of state or federal employees. The law identifies a fake ID as any type of ID card that’s typically issued by a government agency that a person has altered, counterfeited, falsified, reproduced, forged, duplicated, or reproduced. California law has a broad definition of what constitutes a fake ID Read on to discover the potential consequences of these charges, as well as potential defense options. The first step is to contact an attorney experienced with fake ID charges in California. If you a fake ID in your possession, or you’re caught creating a fake ID in the state of California, then you could be facing serious criminal penalties. California Fake ID Charges: The Potential Consequences and Your Defense Options California Fake ID Charges: The Potential Consequences and Your Defense OptionsįebruComments Off on California Fake ID Charges: The Potential Consequences and Your Defense Options